Peter Gariaev
Peter Gariaev discovered the Phantom DNA Effect and founded Wave Genetics. As part of the DNADJ Advisory Board and publication of visionary scientific papers. Additionally he established Linguistic-Wave Genome Theory along with four monographs; many patents were issued in his name – all contributing factors towards being nominated for the 2021 Nobel Prize for Medicine award.
Dr Gariaev worked with a multidisciplinary team consisting of biophysicists, molecular biologists, embryologists and linguists to demonstrate that organisms receive information through weak laser radiation (biophotons) transmitted through DNA. His discovery inspired the field of Linguistic Wave Genetics; non-coding regions of DNA could be reprogrammed using frequency using sound or words; an innovation far removed from today’s genetic code model which selects amino acids codon by codon; as well as discovering that healthy organs could heal unhealthy organs – this breakthrough could create world changing technologies ranging from noninvasive healing technologies through distant noninvasive healing to significant lifespan extensions;
Gariaev‘s experiments have demonstrated that reprogramming DNA with healthy cell frequencies can allow unhealthy organs to heal themselves, and that our own cell-based immune system can repair damaged genes and tissues; his groundbreaking findings have led to many life-changing medical applications including remote healing and regeneration. Gariaev‘s work also led to the creation of holographic biocomputing, which could provide potentially groundbreaking medical and scientific innovations.
Gariaev‘s groundbreaking research has opened new frontiers in science, taking us closer to understanding how our brains work. His groundbreaking studies are helping develop therapies to treat many conditions including cancer; and furthermore it may open up telepathic communication and advanced gene manipulation technology. Though Gariaev passed away in 2020, his legacy will live on through future generations of scientists inspired by his groundbreaking studies.
Dr Gariaev‘s research into DNA led him to the realization that not only does it serve a coding function, but it is also an electromagnetic and acoustic bio-computer which stores all our genetic information. His ground-breaking discoveries were founded on the principles of Quantum Holographic Geometry and Wave Genetics. To collaborate on his endeavor, he gathered a team of Biophysicists, Molecular Biologists, Embryologists, Linguists and even Linguistic experts. Together they discovered that what western mainstream science deems junk DNA contains an intricate linguistic structure with codons following rules similar to our spoken language syntax and grammar rules. He also demonstrated how DNA could be programmed with words or frequencies over long distances for transmission purposes.
Dr Garyaev and his team were able to harness the cellular energy surrounding the body to capture DNA information from healthy cells and transfer it to sick or damaged ones, helping them regain their own natural function. Furthermore, this same information could also be collected from non-living sources like herbs, royal jelly and other healing substances – so successful was this experiment that Dr Garyaev was nominated for the 2021 Nobel prize in medicine!
Gariaev and his team achieved great success with this method, but due to his refusal to publish his findings in peer reviewed journals he faced harsh criticism. Regardless, he continued conducting his research and found that many people can heal themselves using this approach; his discoveries even formed the basis for Matrix Medicine, which is being adopted by some medical practices worldwide.
At his final experiment, he shone a low-power laser through one container containing Salamander embryos and into another containing Frog embryos, demonstrating DNA’s ability to transmit information across great distances – launching his research in non-locality or Wave Genetics as later known. This revolutionary discovery showed how our genome serves as an instantaneous metabolic control network within an organism allowing instantaneous healing without invading organs or significantly increasing lifespan.
The Results section should present experimental findings and significant data in an easy-to-read format, so readers can grasp what was discovered and its relationship to research objectives. Before writing the Results section of your paper, make sure to reread its Aims & Scope section in your journal’s “Guide for Authors” to ensure your results align clearly with its intent.
One experiment utilized a helium-neon laser with two orthogonal optical modes to simulate the recording and transmission of genetic information using traveling intensity wave holograms. When DNA sample was exposed to red, infrared, and ultraviolet lights from this model, strange replica structures appeared when exposed to red, infrared, and ultraviolet lighting; these replica structures have been tentatively interpreted as reproductions of five red lamps used to illuminate it as well as its surroundings.
Gariaev and his colleagues’ research lays the groundwork for linguistic wave genetics, a new field of science which considers quantum electromagnetic nature of genome as a holistic continuum that facilitates instantaneous metabolic control throughout an organism and distant healing and regeneration, significant extended human lifespan, genetic quantum biocomputing etc.
Dr Gariaev, who was both a member of both the Russian Academy of Sciences and American Academy of Arts and Science in New York, assembled an interdisciplinary team consisting of Biophysicists, Molecular Biologists, Embryologists, Linguistic experts and others – eventually discovering that so-called ‘junk DNA’ that had previously been disregarded was essential to how cells functioned and that its information can be altered using sound or words rather than chemicals to reprogram genetic material – leading to his work leading him towards Linguistic Wave Genetics which seeks to alter genetic material through sound frequencies rather than chemical means.
Experiments have demonstrated that reprogramming DNA with frequencies found in healthy organs enables unhealthy ones to heal and regenerate. This marks an extreme departure from our current genetic code model which selects amino acids codon by codon. The discoveries outlined in this book pave the way for world-changing technologies including remote noninvasive healing, organ regeneration, and significant extension of lifespan.
Quantum Consciousness of Linguistic Wave Genomes uncovers that DNA double helix is an electromagnetic quantum wave, its genetic code contains grammatical syntax governing protein translation by language, and acts as a holographic continuum providing instant metabolic control throughout an organism.