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Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

March 27, 2025|Editorial

Peter Gariaev and Your DNA

peter gariaev dna

Peter Gariaev, an esteemed Russian geneticist, has demonstrated that plants can respond to human speech. To accomplish this feat, he created an electromagnetic generator which converts spoken words into signals perceived by plants that instruct them on what actions to take.

He demonstrated that DNA could be altered through electromagnetic and scalar waves, creating the possibility of remote and non-surgical healing, organ regeneration and longevity enhancement.

Quantum Consciousness of the Linguistic-Wave Genome

Recent scientific findings have demonstrated how DNA can be altered by various waves – including acoustic, electromagnetic and scalar waves – which act to read or write genetic codes. These discoveries have opened a new field of science called wave genome. According to its theory, people’s lives can be transformed simply by tuning their DNA frequency with specific frequencies; additionally it also suggests that DNA serves as a biological network that connects all humans.

DNA has an extremely high resonant frequency and are extremely responsive to vibrational energy, making it a suitable medium for transmitting information. Its resonance frequency is determined by its shape and size as well as its chemical makeup; external stimuli like words or music can alter this resonance frequency; in fact some researchers have even used soundwaves to rewrite plant genetic code using sound.

Recent research indicates that emotions affect the resonant frequency of DNA. When subjects feel sad or angry, genes associated with those emotions become activated in cells; suggesting their emotional state could be transmitted via DNA and affect health in general.

Gariaev and other scientists’ research demonstrates that DNA’s electromagnetic and quantum nature enables it to transmit consciousness throughout a person’s body and transfer information telepathically with others’ DNA strands, leading to revolutionary medical treatments and technologies such as distance healing, organ regeneration, significant life extension and quantum biocomputing.

Gariaev believes that DNA is a bio-holographic continuum, an evolving chain of dynamical “wave copies” or “matrixes”, that acts as the blueprint for building living organisms. He further claims that electromagnetic and acoustic fields can read these holograms beyond chromosomal boundaries to form nonlocal memories containing information about structures and functions of life systems.

The Sound of Your DNA

Your DNA contains instructions for all of the proteins that compose your body, from amino acids and their vibrational frequencies encoded into nucleotides in your gene to musical notes that scientists can transcribe as musical notes for playback.

David Deamer, a biomolecular engineer, first created protein music in the 1980s through discovering that letters in gene nucleotide sequence correspond to musical notes. He began by assigning bases thymine, guanine and cytosine to tones of an eight-note do-re-mi scale scale scale scale; assigning each tones using melodies composed from them then playing on piano before creating his cassette called DNA Suite which featured compositions based on human insulin genes and some bacterial genomes.

Stuart Mitchell recently created a system to transform an individual’s DNA into music, producing soothing and vaguely New Age-sounding tracks. One particularly fascinating tune he says, based on Connexin 26 — which causes deafness when it mutates — features tinkling bells before segueing into flute to depict its mutational pattern.

Biological Quantum Computers

Biologic systems utilize quantum mechanics in many different ways to compute, transmit and store information. This has led to hypotheses such as that the brain acts like a quantum computer or that plants use quantum optimization during photosynthesis; researchers have even explored whether biology could serve as the basis of new computing paradigms such as biological quantum computation (BQC).

BQC exploits quantum particles’ ability to exist in superposition of states, enabling them to process information much more rapidly than classical computers. Researchers are exploring various approaches in this area such as using DNA or proteins as qubits; employing natural molecules as scaffolds; and harnessing biomolecule dynamics using an annealing-type process.

Matthew Fisher proposes that Posner molecules – clusters of calcium and phosphate that protect entangled nuclear spins within neurons to allow them to act as quantum information processors in neural processes – protect nuclear spins so as to act as quantum information processors, potentially explaining long coherence times seen among biological molecules due to quantum entanglement.

Biologist Gregory Scholes proposed an ambitious solution: building quantum computing circuits out of DNA or protein nanoparticles, taking advantage of biomolecules’ specific chemical reactivity and light sensitivity, to build quantum algorithms mapped onto circuit or adiabatic models that could run on biological hardware platforms.

Ultimately, a biological quantum computer could serve as an alternative to dilution refrigerators in expediting research for antidotes to diseases like Alzheimer’s and cancer. It would enable us to better understand their cause as well as predict which patients would respond best to a certain treatment.

To create such a system, we’d need a deeper understanding of how biology maintains quantum coherence at room temperature. By replicating biological mechanisms–perhaps via structural shielding or chemical arrangements–that preserve quantum coherence at ambient temperatures, we could build room-temperature quantum devices without needing dilution fridges. Furthermore, running search algorithms at unprecedented speeds would enable us to quickly analyze human genomes or complex cell structures, possibly opening up undiscovered potential applications.

March 27, 2025|Editorial

The Existential-Humanistic Energy Medicine Institute (EHI)

energy medicine institute

Many healing practitioners believe that humans are composed of an electromagnetic sphere of energy surrounding the physical body that influences biological, emotional, and mental processes.

Health care professionals have increasingly integrated methods of therapeutic energy healing with modern healthcare modalities and have found positive client results from such practices as music and sound healing, reiki, reflexology, craniosacral therapy, qigong and others.

Intuition Medicine

Your body is an intricate system of vibrating energy fields which is in constant communication with both outside influences and yourself, as well as possessing its own healing energies that work to promote health and balance within. Being open to receiving them and using intuition to connect to these energies can greatly enhance overall wellbeing.

Medical intuitives have long been sought out to assess physical problems without consulting history, examination or laboratory tests. Edgar Cayce – better known as “The Sleeping Prophet” – became famous for this practice after conducting over 8,000 readings about illnesses and remedies before his death in 1945. Today there are numerous encouraging anecdotes shared from a growing number of medical intuitives.

But scientific research on intuition remains limited. A joint investigation by integrative medicine physicians and MRI radiologists concluded that medical intuitives accurately identified disk pathology in many of their patients – prompting further exploration in this area by the researchers.

Medical intuition can provide an important addition to conventional medicine. It allows a deeper understanding of an individual’s energetic makeup, how it affects health and wellness, and which energies may be contributing to illness or imbalance. Intuition medicine can address many conditions ranging from chronic illness and emotional/mental disorders to high level wellness and peak performance.

Harvard’s Dr. Jerome Groopman provides an example of how intuition can save money long term: He gives the example of a patient suffering from bone-marrow failure requiring regular blood transfusions who made an intuitive leap that led him and his physician to adjust dosage so he would require only half as many transfusions; saving both his insurance company as well as hospital and nursing costs hundreds of dollars per unit of blood transfused.

Intuitive medicine draws on an expansive repository of ancient and contemporary knowledge spanning natural and functional medicine to spiritual practices that date back centuries and new healing paradigms such as epigenetics, soul retrieval and homeopathy – such as PPS energy anatomy, dream healing, acupuncture, epigenetics soul retrieval homeopathy and Reiki.

Healing Touch

Healing touch, an alternative form of medicine, aims to balance the body’s energetic field that extends beyond physical boundaries. Practitioners trained in healing touch are skilled at identifying and clearing away blocks in its flow that manifest in various symptoms ranging from physical, emotional or mental distress to fatigue and dis-ease. Practitioners employ various techniques in healing touch such as tracing or swirling their hand over specific energy pathways on the body; tapping, massaging, pinching or rotating fingers over specific acupoints; connecting two people’s energy fields together or connecting two separate energy fields together; connecting, or unhooking their energy fields together or surrounding an area with healing energies – these all help restore its flow of energy flow and restore its energy flow.

Scientific consensus remains divided regarding energy healing’s efficacy; however, research indicates certain forms may offer potential health benefits, including pain relief, improved mood and quality of sleep as well as decreased anxiety and depression levels. Researchers stress however that energy healing should not be seen as a replacement for conventional medical treatments such as medication.

As more healthcare professionals embrace alternative approaches to healing, many are exploring energy healing as a complementary practice to their traditional ones. Nurses have begun using energy healing in their patient care regimens; it can even be combined with holistic therapies like acupuncture and reiki for enhanced results.

The Energy Medicine Institute provides courses to practitioners interested in exploring this approach to health. Established by a former NASA astronaut, this organization strives to support and promote energy practices which may aid with physical ailments as well as emotional or mental disorders.

Alongside offering training in energy healing, the institute also works to educate the public about energy medicine. Through educational initiatives it aims to foster greater understanding of this field as part of healthcare systems overall.

EHI Practitioner Programs

EHI provides existential psychotherapy and holistic wellness training programs and courses for licensed therapeutic professionals and graduate students in California’s Bay Area as a non-profit corporation. Their experiential courses, workshops and consultation groups focus on experiential training in Existential Humanistic therapy while they specialize in mindfulness meditation classes that introduce fundamentals through an immersive course retreat experience.

In 2022, more individuals reported accessing and being encouraged by their HCP to use patient portals; however, disparities among racial groups remained consistent over the previous years. These findings indicate additional steps need to be taken to expand access and foster engagement among patients.

In response to these challenges, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently issued its final rule on information blocking. This rule seeks to ensure health care practitioners provide patients with information on treatment costs and benefits offered. Furthermore, an enforcement mechanism will be put in place against MIPS clinicians who violate it.

Under this regulation, “information blocking” refers to any act or omission which prevents access to certain types of information:

Patient harm could result in significant interference to quality patient care by health care practitioners; financial losses to federal health care programs; discriminatory or opportunistic practices being used, as well as uncontrollable technical limitations not caused by fault or negligence on their part; discriminatory practices being engaged in against certain populations of people by healthcare practitioners; as well as financial loss incurred as a result.

Additionally, this rule requires health care practitioners to facilitate information exchange when it is reasonable and necessary. This may involve sharing patient records with family members and/or providing individuals with online access to EHI from organizations providing such access. Providers may charge fees or license interoperability elements to facilitate such exchange provided these activities do not violate discriminatory or opportunistic practices that inhibit patient access to EHI.

EHI Continuing Education

The 21st Century Cures Act mandates interoperability as part of providing patients access to their health information; however, healthcare providers and HIEs/HINs continue to face difficulties complying with its provisions. These include avoiding information blocking and making sure employees understand requirements. Furthermore, healthcare providers must review their systems and policies for compliance purposes under this rule. Providers should take measures to protect EHI disclosure by ensuring their systems don’t block disclosure, restrict access to their websites, or require patients to pay fees for accessing it. They should also prepare to educate employees and push back against vendors who include information blocking clauses in contracts.

One participant, for instance, has expressed an interest in using e-health in malaria prevention and control. She plans to pursue a PhD in this area to increase scientific output in Indonesia as well as contribute to global antimalarial initiatives. Her aim is to use her research skills and contacts within her home country to create partnerships for malaria research and advocacy activities.

She has conducted field research in Timika, Papua, to examine the role parasites play in malaria transmission. Her aim is to gain a thorough understanding of this epidemic and how it impacts communities; furthermore she plans on working on both malaria and other viral diseases in the future.

She has come to value the significance of therapeutic relationships in helping clients transform their lives. Her instructors emphasize the significance of empathy and authenticity for trainees as tools that facilitate sensitivity to clients’ emotions, relational patterns, and inner worlds – qualities essential for building life-changing therapeutic encounters. Client-centric physicians cultivate a deep sense of presence that fosters clients’ emotional and relational resilience, equipping them to better help patients overcome traumas and addictions. Furthermore, these skills can be applied across other aspects of clinical practice; strengthening relationships among peers as well as members of their community – even becoming mentors for younger medical students as they find their path toward a rewarding medical career path.

March 27, 2025|Editorial

Resonance Speech Therapy Goals

resonance speech therapy goals

Resonance speech therapy goals focus on controlling airflow through oral and nasal cavities to enhance voice clarity. They may be used to address hypernasality, hyponasality, or cul-de-sac resonance issues.

Goals should be functional (that help clients accomplish everyday tasks) and measurable (able to be tracked over time). Furthermore, setting an achievable timeline – such as three sessions or by a certain date – for meeting such goals can also be very helpful.


Resonant voice training teaches individuals to utilize their vocal tract efficiently during phonation, providing an important step for those struggling with resonance disorders that interfere with speech. Resonance disorders may arise in adults as a result of neurogenic causes or articulation errors learned early in childhood, altering how air flows through nasal cavities and mouth during speech sound production – this results in hypernasality, hyponasality and cul-de-sac resonance being three common examples.

Resonance disorders often arise as a result of neurological conditions; however, they can also be caused by structural problems like cleft palate or enlarged adenoids. Sometimes both causes come into play at once; in these instances surgery may be required while for others such as transgender voice training this process simply entails learning how to use voice more efficiently.

Speech therapists will often begin by teaching patients breath control and encouraging them to utilize their diaphragm when producing sound. Next, they may move onto how best to feel their voice within their bodies – something which may prove challenging for those unfamiliar with its anatomy or function.

SLPs will then provide exercises and techniques designed to enhance the voice quality. These may include exercises such as humming exercises that encourage individuals to explore their “mask resonance,” resonance shaping techniques that teach their voices how to more efficiently shape themselves during phonation, as well as gentle onset techniques which start sounds off gradually to reduce strain on the voice.

SLPs may also offer vocal warm-up exercises designed to increase overall voice health by relieving tension and expanding vocal folds, leading to better airflow for resonance production. If you or a loved one is suffering from resonance disorder, speak with an accredited therapist today about treatment options available to them.


Resonant speech requires two essential speaking skills – breathing and relaxation. Breath control is vital as it fuels vibrations that form sound and voice vibrations, while relaxation helps lower tension on vocal cords by softening their impact (think covering a bell with blanket to decrease its ability to ring).

Resonance disorders can significantly diminish speech clarity and quality. They occur when there is an imbalance in how much oral and nasal sound energy is produced while speaking, due to structural issues like cleft palate or neurological dysfunction such as Velopharyngeal Dysfunction (VPD).

Speech-language pathologists play a vital role in screening, assessing, diagnosing and treating resonance disorders. They offer invaluable assistance by raising self-awareness, developing adaptive strategies and providing treatment techniques that promote resonant speech.

Resonance therapy aims to harmonize oral-nasal resonance easily in order to address voice complaints in an individual patient. If they suffer from hypernasality, hyponasality or cul-de-sac resonance issues, check out our Resonance Disorder Resources for step-by-step solutions.


Resonant voice therapy focuses on harnessing your natural resonances to produce a strong and clear voice while minimizing stress and risk of injury. Resonant voice therapy can benefit anyone: singers, speakers and casual communicators may see increased vocal range, power and endurance while those with cleft palate often enjoy more natural speech sounds. Speech-language pathologists utilize various techniques such as voice-specific exercises (Kotby and Fex) and Lessac-Madsen Resonant Voice Therapy with semi-occluded vocal tract exercises.

Your therapist will conduct a detailed oral examination to assess your articulation and resonance functions. They can identify structural causes for speech difficulties like cleft palate as well as determine if they may be mislearning related or functional issues which can be solved without surgery.

Once they have identified the cause of your speech disorder, a speech therapist will formulate an individualized plan with articulation and breathing strategies designed specifically to treat it. This plan will be tailored specifically for your challenges and type of cul de sac resonance disorder; additionally, this may prepare you for surgical intervention should your symptoms require it.

Cul de sac resonance disorders tend to be behavioral rather than structural in nature, meaning speech therapy may be more suitable as an approach than surgery for treating them.

If you have a cleft palate, here is some information about speech therapy treatments available to you. A cleft palate speech therapist can help reduce tongue thrust patterns and restore your confidence when speaking while improving eating, drinking, and speaking clearly while maintaining physical health.

Your therapist will teach you to adjust the environment around you so it better supports speaking. They may offer suggestions on how to tailor either your work or home environment and recommend specific exercises designed to retrain voice muscles for healthier, resonant tones. Furthermore, they may provide information on managing your condition effectively such as diet restrictions and how best to take care of a healing mouth.


Your voice can be an incredible tool, no matter whether it is professional singing or everyday speech communication. However, if your vocal fatigue, hoarseness or pitch problems stem from poor resonance. Resonance therapy allows speech-language pathologists to teach how to harness natural resonances within your vocal tract – the series of resonating chambers such as your mouth and throat – in order to produce fuller, richer and more vibrant tones for improved communication.

Goal of voice therapy: to optimize and maximize vocal quality while increasing self-awareness and control while decreasing strain on vocal cords. Therapy begins with an assessment to gauge how your voice responds to different exercises and techniques – this helps your therapist determine the most suitable course of action.

Resonance Therapy Techniques

When performing resonance therapy, your speech-language pathologist (SLP) will use breathing and vocal warm-up exercises to improve breath support, relaxation and phonation. They may then apply various voice shaping techniques and gentle-onset phonation strategies that promote proper oral resonance.

SLPs often begin their sessions by asking simple questions such as “Where do you feel your voice?” Some patients can respond immediately while others never consider this aspect before. After asking these questions, exercises such as humming or making simple sound productions such as beeps may follow to stimulate vibrations within facial bones and sinuses – also known as mask resonance.

March 27, 2025|Editorial

Rife Cancer Therapy

Orange County doctors are optimistic about a novel device which uses sound energy to blast cancer cells away. Only eight such machines exist worldwide and they have already proved helpful to those suffering from advanced hepatocellular carcinoma.

An eight-month integrative therapy protocol provided a 52-year-old with metastatic colon and liver lesions substantial tumour response and partial remission. The regimen included standard anti-angiogenesis treatment, high dose IV herbal and nutrient therapies, repurposed drugs and EMF/Rife frequencies therapy.

The Rife machine

The Rife machine is a device that emits low energy electromagnetic frequencies into the body to kill viruses, bacteria and parasites while not harming healthy cells. Inventor Royal Raymond Rife created his device with terminal cancer patients in mind – his research was founded on the belief that each disease, virus or microorganism emitted its own unique electromagnetic frequency that was specific for them.

Rife created an ingenious universal microscope, which allowed scientists to see microorganisms such as pneumonia bacteria for the first time. He discovered that many microorganisms, including those responsible for diseases like typhoid and tuberculosis, emitted electromagnetic frequencies which could be targeted and disrupted to eliminate any organisms responsible.

Rife machines not only kill harmful pathogens but can also aid the body in detoxing. Every cell and microorganism in our bodies vibrates at specific frequencies which can be detected by our cells; using various frequencies for Rife therapy therapy allows RIFE therapy to target and disrupt these pathogens.

As opposed to conventional cancer treatments that involve surgery and chemotherapy, which often cause side effects, Rife machine treatment is noninvasive and has no harmful side effects. It works by targeting cancerous cell vibrations with impulses at their respective frequencies – effectively killing only cancerous cells while leaving healthy ones undisturbed.

While there is no scientific evidence supporting claims of Rife Cancer Therapy, it remains a popular alternative treatment option for those who do not wish to undergo chemotherapy or surgery. It is important to remember, however, that depending on rife machines to address serious health conditions may be dangerous and delay or preclude necessary medical intervention.

The Rife Machine can be a highly effective treatment option for Lyme disease. It works by eliminating bacteria that causes Lyme infection and decreasing inflammation in joints to help the body heal itself, strengthening immunity against infections while improving energy, mood and sleep patterns. Working with an experienced Rife practitioner is best to maximize this treatment’s success.

Low energy waves

This device emits low energy waves to kill cancer cells without harming surrounding tissue, providing noninvasive therapy with patients connecting pads to their feet or hands several times weekly for short spurts of time. A doctor oversees and determines length and frequency of use; they may require multiple sessions for maximum effectiveness.

The Rife Machine utilizes an innovative system that enables it to precisely target specific frequencies associated with particular forms of cancer, and use that information to send impulses at that frequency directly towards cancerous cells – which represents a great improvement over other treatments that harm all aspects of a person’s body in an attempt to eradicate all cancer cells at once.

However, some doctors remain skeptic of claims that an electronic device can kill cancer cells. One patient, Michael Farris, claims he is in partial remission of metastatic colon cancer after receiving treatment using both standard drugs, intravenous nutrition therapy and electromagnetic field/Rife frequency exposure from this device and other integrative therapies such as electromagnetic field (EMF)/Rife frequency exposure therapy.

Electromagnetic radiation, also known as electromagnetic waves or EMR, consists of photons traveling at the speed of light. Photons contain electrical and magnetic energy as well as carrying small particles called protons; different kinds of EMR are classified by energy levels, wavelengths and frequencies; lower energy waves include radio waves while those of higher energies include X-rays, ultraviolet light or gamma rays.

HIFU can be an effective treatment option for prostate cancer and various tumors; it should always be discussed with your healthcare provider to ensure it will not interfere with medical therapy.

Electromagnetic frequencies

Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) behaves differently depending on its frequency. Lower frequencies tend to have longer wavelengths while higher frequencies feature shorter ones. EMR can interact with matter differently depending on its wavelength; its behavior could include inducing bulk movement of charges in electrical conductors or creating charged groups that cause electric current generation in microwave ovens, for instance.

Electromagnetism that affects matter changes are classified either non-ionizing or ionizing depending on their capacity to hold enough energy to expel electrons from material. Higher frequency electromagnetic waves like X-rays and gamma-rays tend to have more ionizing properties while radio waves have non-ionizing characteristics.

Laboratory studies have demonstrated the anti-cancer effects of low energy electromagnetic fields on cancer cells. They seem to disrupt their cellular structure and reduce its ability to replicate itself; some suggest these changes might occur through changes to molecular machinery controlling cell division and growth.

Another method for discovering frequencies suitable for Rife cancer therapy involves measuring variations in electrical resistance of skin, pulse amplitude, and blood pressure while individuals are exposed to low and safe levels of amplitude-modulated frequencies. Frequencies which elicit biofeedback responses characterized by increases in amplitude for one or more beats are considered tumor-specific frequencies and may be used for Rife cancer treatment.

Recent case study on a patient with metastatic cancer demonstrated the effectiveness of rife frequencies to decrease CTC counts and metastasis; ultimately leading to an 11 month complete response, using 2-5 sessions weekly of treatment.

Researchers employed a combination of 280 frequencies identified through the resonant frequency method to create personalized treatment programs. Patients were examined on average every other month to detect new frequencies, with treatments adjusted as necessary. This research has demonstrated that an impressive percentage of the identified resonant frequencies were specific for each tumor type.


Supporters of the Rife machine claim it can assist in treating various conditions, including cancer. Unfortunately, no scientific evidence supports these claims. Furthermore, its use has been linked with serious side effects like pneumonia which may even prove fatal. One study on using Rife frequency treatment on stage VI lung cancer showed its frequency frequencies were effective in reducing colony-forming units (CTCs). When combined with standard anti-angiogenesis therapies and non-standard integrative therapies this led to substantial tumour response and partial remission.

March 27, 2025|Editorial

How to Reset a Radionics Alarm Panel

Radionics D8024 fire alarm panel provides reliable protection in complex installations like schools, universities, manufacturing plants and health care facilities. It has been certified for Central Station, Local and Auxiliary Fire applications by Underwriter’s Laboratories.

This control panel features programmable authority levels to provide specific system access for individual users. Additionally, there are two notification appliance circuits which power horns, bells and strobes.

Keypad Reset

Radionics panels and keypads used a standard set of “Commands” until roughly the mid 1990s for arming, disarming, programming functions, etc. Panels such as the 8112 and keypads such as D420, D620, D1252, and D1255 had similar sets of commands that could be learned quickly for all models.

Radionics systems that utilize D223 and D222A keypads still offer many of these commands; the exception being smoke detector reset which requires special annunciator reset command; however, you can access this via pressing special keys on keypads, or entering code>+Enter then Command+47 on Numeric Keypads.

This command clears the annunciator display of all points which have caused trouble since the last system disarm. This will display all faulted points with their status (normal, short, or open). Additionally, it resets smoke detector memory and clears any beeping alarms; though typically this only works on new alarms since past alarms may have already been cleared with detector reset or code changes.

Rearming will reactivate all perimeter and interior protection measures as well as all “All On” and “Part On” exit/entry delays, but if that is not your desired mode, please refer to Bypassing Zones for instructions on bypassing individual points.

Smoke Detector Reset

Smoke detectors are an invaluable way to keep homes and their occupants safe, as an integral part of many home alarm systems. Smoke detectors play a critical role in fire prevention and save lives by giving an early warning so occupants can evacuate before a blaze becomes uncontrollable.

Smoke alarms are designed to emit a loud chirp when they detect smoke in the air, usually followed by an audible announcement that there may be fire in your house and it’s time to evacuate. Older model alarms also often feature red or yellow glow indicators when their batteries need changing; newer models offer the feature that automatically replaces batteries after certain days have passed.

A smoke detector’s sensor is composed of a small ionization or photoelectric sensor which monitors air for particles of smoke. As soon as these particles enter its chamber they disturb the balance between positive and negative electrical charges present in air; when this imbalance is disturbed an alarm system on its circuit board triggers to alert you of its presence.

Some detectors can also detect carbon monoxide (CO). A carbon monoxide alarm typically looks similar to a smoke alarm and should be mounted prominently on your ceiling in an easily visible location. CO and smoke alarms should be installed if your home contains fuel-burning equipment or appliances such as an oil furnace, wood stove or gas water heater.

Some smoke alarms are hardwired into a home’s electrical system and feature non-replaceable lithium batteries with up to 10-year life spans for backup power. Interconnected models also exist which will sound when one detects fire in the house; certain home, fire and life safety codes mandate such systems in new or remodeled structures.

Regular testing and maintenance of both smoke and CO detectors is important to their proper operation. If your smoke alarm is constantly beeping, it could be time for new batteries or replacement of the detector itself. Also be sure to clean them frequently using damp cloth or vacuum cleaner and avoid placing them near air registers that recirculate dust and dirt and windows or doors that open and close frequently.

Power Reset

Wired systems utilizing backup batteries may benefit from performing what is known as a power cycle reset, which involves disconnecting both AC and battery power in order to shut down, before turning back on by first reconnecting AC power, then battery power.

Wire alarm panels often reside within large enclosures that house both their backup battery and main power source, so to disconnect, just gripping terminal 1 wire tightly before pulling away from its terminal and away from its connection point firmly and slowly – this should work fine without damaging the battery! Be careful not to pull too hard as this could damage it irreparably.

Radionics points usually restore automatically upon power restoration; however, smoke detectors require an annunciator reset first. To perform one on a 4-button keypad press “Annunciator Reset”, while on numeric keypad type “code>+Enter+Command+47”. Once completed the alarm memory should also be cleared from each smoke detector.

Battery Reset

If I had a Radionics alarm panel installed years ago by a company no longer in existence, can it be reprogrammed and what would the cost be? Unfortunately it’s extremely outdated and the battery’s about to die. Without knowing the previous owners master passcode you would require either installer’s code or dealer programming devices to reprogram your system – or contact them if there are stickers in your yard which advertise them – to reprogramme. Otherwise it might be worth investing in either conventional alarm panels or home networks monitoring panels instead –

Remember, all points restore except smoke detectors, which must be reset using “Annunciator Reset” or on a numeric keypad code>+Enter then Command+47.