Peter Gariaev and Your DNA
Peter Gariaev, an esteemed Russian geneticist, has demonstrated that plants can respond to human speech. To accomplish this feat, he created an electromagnetic generator which converts spoken words into signals perceived by plants that instruct them on what actions to take.
He demonstrated that DNA could be altered through electromagnetic and scalar waves, creating the possibility of remote and non-surgical healing, organ regeneration and longevity enhancement.
Quantum Consciousness of the Linguistic-Wave Genome
Recent scientific findings have demonstrated how DNA can be altered by various waves – including acoustic, electromagnetic and scalar waves – which act to read or write genetic codes. These discoveries have opened a new field of science called wave genome. According to its theory, people’s lives can be transformed simply by tuning their DNA frequency with specific frequencies; additionally it also suggests that DNA serves as a biological network that connects all humans.
DNA has an extremely high resonant frequency and are extremely responsive to vibrational energy, making it a suitable medium for transmitting information. Its resonance frequency is determined by its shape and size as well as its chemical makeup; external stimuli like words or music can alter this resonance frequency; in fact some researchers have even used soundwaves to rewrite plant genetic code using sound.
Recent research indicates that emotions affect the resonant frequency of DNA. When subjects feel sad or angry, genes associated with those emotions become activated in cells; suggesting their emotional state could be transmitted via DNA and affect health in general.
Gariaev and other scientists’ research demonstrates that DNA’s electromagnetic and quantum nature enables it to transmit consciousness throughout a person’s body and transfer information telepathically with others’ DNA strands, leading to revolutionary medical treatments and technologies such as distance healing, organ regeneration, significant life extension and quantum biocomputing.
Gariaev believes that DNA is a bio-holographic continuum, an evolving chain of dynamical “wave copies” or “matrixes”, that acts as the blueprint for building living organisms. He further claims that electromagnetic and acoustic fields can read these holograms beyond chromosomal boundaries to form nonlocal memories containing information about structures and functions of life systems.
The Sound of Your DNA
Your DNA contains instructions for all of the proteins that compose your body, from amino acids and their vibrational frequencies encoded into nucleotides in your gene to musical notes that scientists can transcribe as musical notes for playback.
David Deamer, a biomolecular engineer, first created protein music in the 1980s through discovering that letters in gene nucleotide sequence correspond to musical notes. He began by assigning bases thymine, guanine and cytosine to tones of an eight-note do-re-mi scale scale scale scale; assigning each tones using melodies composed from them then playing on piano before creating his cassette called DNA Suite which featured compositions based on human insulin genes and some bacterial genomes.
Stuart Mitchell recently created a system to transform an individual’s DNA into music, producing soothing and vaguely New Age-sounding tracks. One particularly fascinating tune he says, based on Connexin 26 — which causes deafness when it mutates — features tinkling bells before segueing into flute to depict its mutational pattern.
Biological Quantum Computers
Biologic systems utilize quantum mechanics in many different ways to compute, transmit and store information. This has led to hypotheses such as that the brain acts like a quantum computer or that plants use quantum optimization during photosynthesis; researchers have even explored whether biology could serve as the basis of new computing paradigms such as biological quantum computation (BQC).
BQC exploits quantum particles’ ability to exist in superposition of states, enabling them to process information much more rapidly than classical computers. Researchers are exploring various approaches in this area such as using DNA or proteins as qubits; employing natural molecules as scaffolds; and harnessing biomolecule dynamics using an annealing-type process.
Matthew Fisher proposes that Posner molecules – clusters of calcium and phosphate that protect entangled nuclear spins within neurons to allow them to act as quantum information processors in neural processes – protect nuclear spins so as to act as quantum information processors, potentially explaining long coherence times seen among biological molecules due to quantum entanglement.
Biologist Gregory Scholes proposed an ambitious solution: building quantum computing circuits out of DNA or protein nanoparticles, taking advantage of biomolecules’ specific chemical reactivity and light sensitivity, to build quantum algorithms mapped onto circuit or adiabatic models that could run on biological hardware platforms.
Ultimately, a biological quantum computer could serve as an alternative to dilution refrigerators in expediting research for antidotes to diseases like Alzheimer’s and cancer. It would enable us to better understand their cause as well as predict which patients would respond best to a certain treatment.
To create such a system, we’d need a deeper understanding of how biology maintains quantum coherence at room temperature. By replicating biological mechanisms–perhaps via structural shielding or chemical arrangements–that preserve quantum coherence at ambient temperatures, we could build room-temperature quantum devices without needing dilution fridges. Furthermore, running search algorithms at unprecedented speeds would enable us to quickly analyze human genomes or complex cell structures, possibly opening up undiscovered potential applications.